Prayer for Kamala Harris


We are to pray for our government leaders.

Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

I find it difficult to pray for those leaders who promote evil policies.

I repent to the Lord for ridiculing leaders whom I do not respect, and feel compelled to pray for them.

Here is my prayer for Kamala Harris

Father, I come into Your Presence humbly on behalf of Vice President Harris. Forgive me for resisting interceding because her policies and lies angered me. Forgive me for mocking when I should have been praying. You said that “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (see Matthew 12:34).” If cursing and mockery have come from my lips, it’s reflecting what is in my heart. Forgive me, Lord. I come before You and ask for a miracle concerning Vice President Harris. You see what she is promoting and defending, and it is NOT what You approve of nor desire for her life. She wanted to make a difference and bring justice. I pray that she would be used by You to bring true justice. I ask for the greatest miracle of all for her: salvation found in Christ alone. Lord, speak to her. Speak through those closest to her. Speak to her in dreams. Job 33:16-18 tells us You speak in dreams and terrify with warnings to turn people from their wrongdoing and keep them from pride. You warn people with dreams to preserve them from the pit and keep them from perishing. You do not desire that any would perish, but that ALL will come to repentance, including ungodly leaders.

We pray that she would forsake her wicked ways and turn to You. We pray that any plans made for her that are not from You will fail. We pray she will be a voice for true biblical justice and reject an evil agenda. Open her eyes to see the path You are setting before her. Right now, she is on the path that “seems right” to men, but Your word says that path leads to death. Open her ears to hear Your warnings and words. Give her the wisdom to give careful thought to the path she is on. Let her not turn to the right or left, but turn from evil (see Proverbs 4:26,27). Vice President Kamala Harris, God is calling you to repent and consider Your ways. We pray you will choose life through the only name in Heaven given by which men can be saved (see Acts 4:12), the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

I feel better by confessing my disobedience and feel humbled to continue to pray for our “leaders”, even with those I disagree.

How about you? Are you praying for our nation as well?

After all, we are One Nation Under God – perhaps repentance and prayer may be all that can save our nation.

May God bless you, and may God bless America!


PS: I was moved by a post on Intercessors for America website to rethink praying for leaders