Rare Monkeypox Virus Arrives, Vaccines ‘Miraculously’ Ready

monkeypox as predicted by Bill Gates

Rare Monkeypox Virus Arrives, Just as Gates and WHO ‘Predicted’ – Vaccines ‘Miraculously’ Ready Wow, aren’t we lucky this was identified by Bill Gates and that a vaccine was approved by the FDA in 2019 – what a coincidence! “A new revised World Health Organization agreement aims to give Bill Gates and Gavi de facto…

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Are You a Domestic Terrorist?

are you a domestic terrorist

Are you a Domestic Terrorist? – I just read this article below….. Apparently, if you speak against anything the government says that you are a domestic terrorist. You may have heard that the Department of Homeland Security recently released a “Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland,” but please permit me the indulgence of…

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Clinton Campaign, DNC Are Paying FEC Fines in an Effort to Bury Story on Russian Hoax and Trump

Clinton and DNC pay election fraud fines

Now, do you really think Clinton and the DNC quietly paid the fine because they are innocent? The lead investigator for the House Intelligence Committee’s 2018 probe into the FBI’s investigation of alleged Trump–Russia collusion, Kash Patel, said the fact that the Hillary Clinton campaign is paying a penalty to Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an…

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Is Canada now a Communist State?

Trudeau seizing your Freedom

Are we watching 1984 play out today, with Big Brother, the Communist totalitarian regime, launch a Gestapo attack against it’s own citizens who are fed up and clamoring for Freedom? Could this be happening in Canada? How about other countries where citizens are fed up and waking up to what is happening to their freedom?…

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Three Things That Were Considered ‘Dangerous Misinformation’ Last Year Which are Now Widely Accepted as Truth

3 misinformations now truth

In January, popular podcaster Joe Rogan addressed the backlash he received for spreading what many called ‘misinformation’ after Rogan invited several doctors on his show to discuss the risk of the virus and vaccines. In his response posted to his Instagram account, Rogan explained his issue with the term ‘misinformation’ itself considering so many topics…

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Truth is explosive

watch for truth exposure in February

The truth, if suppressed, is explosive. The more it is hidden and buried, the more it could heat up and when it is released, it could blow up everything around it. We appear to be living in dark times, with evil called good and good called evil. The time is ripe for the truth to…

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Today I celebrate Canadian Truckers

Canadian truckers

Our God-given freedoms are under attack, as never before. This post is to honor those courageous Canadians, truckers and all of Canada who stands with them, braving -30C weather, to show support for Freedom. Freedom is not free, and I bless those who are standing for freedom in Canada, but also for freedom globally. America…

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We are Magistrates

we are magistrates

Not only do we have God-given rights, we have a duty. We have a right and a duty to revoke the power of those who would steal our rights. Let us stand on our rights, and our duty, to take back our land and our freedom. Listen to the wisdom of Tricia Lindsay in the…

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COVID Effectively Eradicated In Population of 241 Million, Only 16% Jabbed, Big Media Silent

Only 16% Jabbed

The COVID Cult has spread COVID fear and hysteria for over a year, and you would think that if there were a massive success against the coronavirus, it would at least get some attention, right? Well, in the Indian province of Uttar Pradesh, they had what some would call a medical miracle. This massive success…

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How to Fight Back Against a World Gone Mad or MASS FORMATION

are we being hypnotized

MASS FORMATION A psychological condition of society known as “mass formation” is a condition for totalitarianism. Under mass formation, a population willingly sacrifices their freedom The central condition for mass formation to occur is a lack of societal bonding. In other words, social isolation on a mass scale, which is precisely what the lockdowns were…

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