COVID Effectively Eradicated In Population of 241 Million, Only 16% Jabbed, Big Media Silent
The COVID Cult has spread COVID fear and hysteria for over a year, and you would think that if there were a massive success against the coronavirus, it would at least get some attention, right? Well, in the Indian province of Uttar Pradesh, they had what some would call a medical miracle. This massive success…
How to Fight Back Against a World Gone Mad or MASS FORMATION
MASS FORMATION A psychological condition of society known as “mass formation” is a condition for totalitarianism. Under mass formation, a population willingly sacrifices their freedom The central condition for mass formation to occur is a lack of societal bonding. In other words, social isolation on a mass scale, which is precisely what the lockdowns were…
Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age
And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it’s correct, based on weekly data from the British government. Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal. I don’t know how to explain this…
Countdown to Zero Immunity
Everybody over 30 will have lost 100% of their entire immune capability (for viruses and certain cancers) within 6 months (Natural News) A bombshell report published by The Expose (UK) is entitled, “A comparison of official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.” Since this is being instigated by vaccine injections,…
Marine Who Called Out Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle Pleads Guilty To All Charges At Court-Martial
This indeed is a Profile in Courage, a profile in integrity. “Silence in the face of evil is evil itself.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer Here is the report from Daily News Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller pleaded to all six charges he faced in a court-martial over his criticism of military leaders and how the Biden administration…
Are the available Pfizer shots really FDA approved?
Say, Where Is That Biden Regulation on Vaccine Mandates? Answer: it doesn’t exist FDA has approved the Pfizer vaccine which prompted the mandates for government employees, including the military. Now. as I read the announcement on the FDA website, the approved vaccine is Comirarty. STN: 125742 Proper Name: COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA Tradename: Comirnaty Manufacturer: BioNTech…
Still using Google search?
Google search is the giant search engine. What could possibly go wrong? Amazing that whatever you search in Google ends up as an ad in Facebook, right? Can we agree your privacy is being invaded then? But could there be something more insidious? More dangerous? The US is secretly using Google searchers to track down…
International shipping group issues red alert letter warning of imminent global supply chain collapse
International shipping group issues red alert letter warning of imminent global supply chain collapse… widespread famine, power grid failures and economic ruin are right around the corner more info online: I have copied sections from Mike Adam’s report here – make up your own mind – I humbly submit that your attention is warranted…
What’s all the fuss about Ivermectin?
Ivermectin and Hydrochloroquinine are bad. They take away the need for vaccines. This will hurt the drug companies and the politicians and media that they support. This article explains it better than I can Stay informed when the powers that be want to smother the real truth. Ron I have copied the article below: Attacks…
Tsunami of Chronic Disease and Death
A Tsunami of Chronic Disease and Death First – the cover photo tells it all – Dr. Mercola, the most trusted medical name for as long as I can remember, has been forced to remove truth from his website because it goes against the story the Big Pharma/Big Media/Big Government want told. ALL his content…